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What Business Owners Can Learn from Trump's McDonald's Moment (This is Not Electioneering)

A black and white illustration of various families, including a tall family, a family camping, a family with a large pet, and a family with a child riding a bike.
Diverse families, unique brand connections.

When a public figure steps into McDonald's, it’s not about the food or the setting—it’s about strategy. It’s an intentional move to connect with people in familiar, everyday places. This isn’t electioneering but a brilliant example of how brands can use familiarity to create strong connections. It’s a calculated way to say, “I’m just like you,” and business owners can learn a lot from this approach.

For your brand, the takeaway is clear: be present where your customers already feel at home. Whether that’s on social media, at community events, or even specific local spots, the key is showing up where trust already exists. Trump’s McDonald's visit is a reminder that it’s not always about flashy innovations or bold new strategies—it’s about tapping into what people already know and trust.

If you're a business owner, think about the places where your audience gathers—are you meeting them there? Are you engaging with them in a way that feels comfortable and relatable? Your “McDonald's moment” might be joining the right online forum, attending a local event, or even partnering with an established community. These small, familiar gestures make a big impact by reinforcing your brand as one that understands its customers.

In the same way, people feel a connection when they see someone well-known in a familiar setting, your customers will feel more connected to your brand when you meet them in their comfort zones. It’s about building a sense of trust and relatability—two powerful ingredients for long-term loyalty.

So, take a page from the playbook of familiarity. Don’t just be innovative for the sake of it. Show up where your customers are already comfortable, and let your presence strengthen your brand’s connection with them.


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